Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Men's Engagment Rings?

Three posts in one day!? I must be on a roll.

I just had a customer in the store that asked me, "Why don't men wear their ring before the wedding like women do?". The only thought I had was, "Well, maybe it has to do with the 'KEEP AWAY FROM MY WOMAN' connotation that it implies." But at the same time, I wondered why women can't say "KEEP AWAY FROM MY MAN!"  So, I looked it up and what I found was this: A wedding band, is a wedding band. Women don't wear theirs till they are married, so neither do men. However, I did find that some men actually can do one of two things. In dutch tradition, the engaged men wear their ring on the right hand till they are married and then switch it over to the left hand. There is also the possibilty of wearing a men's engagement ring that is different from the wedding ring.

Whoda thunk?

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